10 Proven Tactics to Get More Facebook Followers | SMMSUMO



1. Run Facebook Ads

If you’re trying to figure out how to get Facebook followers, the most obvious solution is Facebook ads. You can run “Engagement” ads, which help you increase the visibility of your brand on Facebook. Although, to be frank, any ad you create on Facebook will likely also create an increase in followers, even “Conversion” ads. If Facebook users like the ad content, they’ll likely engage with the post and potentially like or follow your Facebook page. So, if your main goal is to get store sales, you can run a conversion ad and still increase Facebook likes to your page.

2. Invite People to Like Your Page

The easiest way to increase Facebook followers is by inviting people to like your page. Once you start creating ads for your store, Facebook will occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to like your page. I found that typically if I ran engagement ads, I’d get a higher number of people that I could invite to like the page. However, even though I manually invited people, I eventually got temporarily blocked by Facebook. So you need to pace the number of people you invite at a time. Also, if you do get temporarily blocked, Facebook might still send notifications telling you to invite people. But you still won’t be able to invite anyone. Wait a day or two before trying to invite more people. You can also invite friends and family to like your page. However, keep in mind that it’s better to have a small, targeted audience than to have a big, broad one, as it could limit the effectiveness of your future ads.

3. Create Viral Content

On my most popular store’s Facebook page, we’d share memes, funny videos, and relatable quotes. People would tag their friends in the post, which usually helped increase social media engagement but also helped increase social reach. Chubbies is another online retailer who creates viral-type content. They regularly create funny content using their products. In this post, they promote their shorts with a silly video about the problems that pants give people. Since the scenarios are pretty dramatized, it results in funny content which helps boost social shares. About 250 liked the video and 98 people shared it. If you don’t have the artistic chops to create your own viral content, you can always share viral niche content with your audience. But be sure to always give credit to the creator.

4. Host a Giveaway

Giveaways are a great way to increase Facebook likes.You can share your giveaway to niche Facebook groups or forums, giveaway websites, and of course on your Facebook page. By making one of the ways to enter “visit Facebook page” you’ll be more likely to increase the number of Facebook followers you have. Below is an example of a giveaway that CatLadyBox shared on their Facebook page. They used emojis to draw emphasis on the giveaway keyword. Since they shared it on their own page, it’s likely their Facebook followers will see it. They may share the giveaway post with their friends which can also help increase Facebook followers. So be sure to promote the giveaway on all social channels.

5. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up

Some online stores ask for emails upon exit intent. However, if your main objective is to increase Facebook likes instead of emails, you can create a Facebook like pop-up instead. OptinMonster is a popular pop-up tool that allows you to gain new leads, and can be repurposed to fuel Facebook likes, as well. You can also choose to set a timer so that after a person has been on your website for a certain number of seconds, the pop-up appears. Avoid adding too many pop-ups to your website, as they can be overwhelming on mobile devices and cause people to exit faster. So if you add this pop-up to your website, make sure it’s the only one.

6. Try Out Facebook Live

Some of the most viral videos have been Facebook Live videos. If you’re building a niche store, your Facebook Live might be more about general niche tips. However, if you’ve just added new items to your store and have ordered samples, you can showcase a first look at the products on Facebook Live. You can increase Facebook followers by telling your customers and followers that you do a livestream every Tuesday, for example. All Facebook Live videos get shown on the Facebook Live Map, so the more viewers on your livestream the higher you’ll show up on the feed. Thus, potentially increasing Facebook likes.

7. Partner with an Influencer

The best influencers I’ve ever partnered with weren’t really influencers at all. In fact, most of them were niche fan pages. You know, those pages for a niche that just share cool products or cool articles about a niche. They’re all over Facebook. They usually amass really big audiences. And they’re usually cheaper than an influencer. That strategy works well if you’re on a super tight budget. But if you want to partner with an actual influencer, you can find influencers in your niche as well. The easiest way to do that is to look up “[niche] blogger” in Google. You might look up fashion bloggers, for example. Then you look through their fan pages and reach out to them to find out their rates. If they’re up for collaborating, you’ll send them a sample product for them to model. When they share the post on Facebook, ask them to tag your Facebook page in the post. That way people who are interested in your product will be more likely to follow you.

8. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity

Marketing automation can help you gain new Facebook followers. How? Well, you’re not going to increase Facebook likes if you never post on Facebook. And running a store can get busy. So sometimes things like posting on Facebook fall by the wayside. Only have 20 minutes a week total to market on social media to market on social media? Use an automation tool to set up a series of posts over the next several days in advance. You can add product pictures to your post with a link to the page, a piece of content you’ve written, or even a funny video or picture you find online (with proper credit, of course). If you know that every Friday at 5pm you need to schedule posts for the following week, it allows you to spend the following week working on higher impact projects. The more you post on Facebook, the more chances you’ll have of getting more Facebook followers.

9. Add a Facebook Like Widget

If you want to increase Facebook likes, the easiest way to do that on your website is to add a Facebook Like Widget by Widgetic. The free Shopify app adds a like icon to certain pages of your store, such as product pages. It can also show shoppers who else likes your page to give you a bit of social proof to get more Facebook followers. If you’re just starting to figure out how to increase followers on Facebook, this free tool keeps growing a Facebook following simple for you.

10. Give Your Post a Paid Boost
Although getting your post featured on a Channel is awesome, it isn’t enough. You need to help your post go red hot. After your content gets attached to the channel, you need to quickly drive lots of traffic to it. This will help push your post to the top of the channel, as opposed to being just listed on the channel in fifth position (or wherever it ends up being shown). You have to get to the top spot. How? Spend a few bucks (no more than $50) on Facebook promoted Post. This will help quickly drive lots of traffic to your Facebook Page. Or Visit SMMSUMO website they do provide High-quality Spotify Package with real User and 2 years of replacement protection on there each service with MoneyBack Guarantee.

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